Friday, April 25, 2014

Import contacts to blackberry vcf or gmail

First make sure that all your contacts are in one place like say Google contacts. Then
1)      login to gmail
2)      select ‘contacts’ from the top left corner
select contacts

3)      click on ‘More’ > Export
export contacts

4)      Select the ‘vCard format’

vcard format for all contacts to be exported

5)      Remember the location to where the contacts.vcf is created.
6)      Pair your BlackBerry Curve 9220 with your computer.
7)      Go to the location Step#6
8)      Right click on the contacts.vcf file and choose the send to Bluetooth or to Bluetooth option
Accept the file transfer on BlackBerry and after 1min or so you should see all the contacts in as your BlackBerry contacts

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