Saturday, April 26, 2014

Microsoft outlook folders not syncing with blackberry

By default, only messages in the Inbox and Sent Items folders of Microsoft Outlook are redirected to a BlackBerry device.

If you have setup rules to forward incoming emails to specific folders in Microsoft Outlook then these emails will not be sent to your BlackBerry device.

To get these emails on the BlackBerry device, you need to
1) disable all rules in Microsoft Outlook
2) Close Microsoft Outlook
3) on the BlackBerry device, select 'messages' -> reconcile now
Note: Any emails received in Microsoft Outlook prior to this setting will not be delivered to BlackBerry device.
4) you should be able to see all new emails on the BlackBerry device.

Once this has been done, you should re-enable all rules in Microsoft Outlook.

For more details, please refer below links

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